Tuesday, April 9, 2013



Colossians 3:22-24

Whatever you do, do it heartily,
as to the Lord. -Colossians 3:23

Is ambition wrong?  Is it wrong to be driven, to push to be the best?  It can be.  The difference between right and wrong ambition is in our goal and motivation-whether it's for God's glory or our own.

In 1 Thessalonians 4:1, Paul tells us that Christians are to live lives "to please God."  For some, the drive to please Him is an instant transformation at the time of salvation; for others, the transformation is full of stutter-steps and mis-starts.  Whether the change happens instantly or gradually, the Christian is to pursue God's goals, not selfish ones.

So, in the workplace we ask:  "How will that job change help me serve others and glorify God?"  Ambition oriented toward God is focused outward on Him and others, always asking how He has gifted us and wants to use us.

Paul suggests we work with "sincerity of heart, fearing God" (Colossians 3:22).  Whatever we're doing-in the board room, on the docks, wherever we're working-we're to serve as if doing it for God (vv.23-24).

We glorify Him most and enjoy Him most when we work with fervor and excellence for His pleasure, not ours.  For His service and the service of others, not self-service and personal gain-because He deserves our all. -Randy Kilgore

Lord, help me to apply zest to my work efforts
that I might please You.  I offer my actions and words
today as a testimony to bring You glory.
Use me today to point others to You.  Amen.
"We grow small trying to be great."
-Eli Stanley Jones, missionary

In the third chapter of Colossians, Paul reminds his readers of the proper perspective that accompanies the Christian life.  After establishing that the believer's identity is in Christ (vv.1-4), he instructs the Colossians on how viewing themselves in the correct way (in Christ) should influence behavior and thoughts (vv. 5-17).  Finally, Paul uses very concrete terms to instruct family members and employees (vv.18-25).  Because we have been "raised with Christ" (v.1), our interactions with others are to reflect that new identity.  Our attitude and effort in our work, says Paul, should be honoring to God (vv.22-24) and reflect the fact that our lives are "hidden with Christ in God" (v.3).

Have a blessed day and week ahead.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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