Monday, March 18, 2013



Galatians 6:1-10

Let each one examine his
own work, and then he will
have rejoicing in himself alone,
and not in another. -Galatians 6:4

Four-year-old Eliana was helping her mom pick up some of Eliana's things before bedtime.  When Mommy told her to put away the clothes on her bed, Eliana hit her limit.  She turned around, put her little hands on her hips, and said, "I can't do everything!"

Do you ever feel that way with the tasks God has called you to do?  It's easy to feel overwhelmed with church involvement, witnessing, and raising a family.  We might sigh in exasperation and pray, "Lord, I can't do everything!"

Yet God's instructions indicate that His expectations are not overwhelming.  For instance, as we deal with others, He gives us this qualifier:  "As much as depends on you, live peaceably with all" (Romans 12:18).  God understands our limitations.  Or this:  "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord" (Colossians 3:23).  He's not asking for perfection that we might impress people, but simply to honor Him with the work we do.  And one more:  "Let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another" (Galatians 6:4).  We are not doing our work as a competition with others, but simply to carry our own load.

In wisdom, God has equipped us to do just what He wants us to do-and that's certainly not everything! - Dave Branon

He gives me work that I may seek His rest,
He gives me strength to meet the hardest test;
And as I walk in providential grace,
I find that joy goes with me, at God's pace. - Gustafson
When God gives an assignment,
it comes with His enablement.

The correction of a fellow believer requires Christian virtue in those aiding the restoration process.  Gentleness should characterize the rebuke with the recognition that those correcting can just as easily fall into a similar sin.  This must also be related to fulfilling the law of Christ through bearing one another's burdens.  To think of one-self too highly is dangerous self-deception.  We must also avoid comparisons between our deeds and those of others.  All of these attitudes and actions should reflect a gently and humble heart.

Have a blessed day and week ahead.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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