Sunday, November 11, 2012



THE SONG OF ISRAEL:  (Pages 39-47)

David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments:  lyres, harps, and cymbals.             -1 Chronicles 15:16

Search the Scriptures
When Christians wish to learn about a new topic, they should first “search the Scriptures” (Acts 17:11).  Opening our minds to God’s Word lets the Holy Spirit enlighten our understanding and helps us to think God’s thoughts.
From the Old Testament music was an important and integral part of Jewish life.  God refused to hear the songs of His people on occasion because their public praise were inconsistent with their daily living.

Music and the Old Testament
But thou art holy, O Thou who inhabitest the praises of Israel.  (Psalm 22:3 (KJV)
The pages of the Old Testament are alive with the sounds of music.  The religious feelings of the Jewish faithful were made known in song and dance.  The Israelites were known for their use of music in worship of the one true God, Jehovah.  The joy of Jewish song was stilled during the Babylonian exile.  When the Jews returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, joyful singing returned.  Music was always an indication of Israel’s spiritual relationship with God.  The sound of music was frequently associated with an awareness of God’s presence.

Music-A Way Of Life
Music was an important part of Old Testament life:  Religious, Social, Funerals, Economic, Political

One of the first musicians mentioned in the Old Testament was Moses.  He lead the people of Israel in singing of God’s power in their deliverance from the Egyptians (Exodus 15).

Organized Choirs
The Old Testament records several organized choirs.  One of them was David’s tabernacle choir, composed of ten men and a director (1 Chronicles 15:12-22; 16:4, 5).

Musical Instruments
The musical instruments in the Old Testament were used to accompany singing, especially in the temple worship:  strings, Wind Instruments, Percussion.  (Interestingly, there is no mention of the use of drums in the Old Testament.

Requirements of Music Leaders
The Levites were the appointed worship-Music Leaders of the Old Testament.  They performed an important and sacred function in Israelite worship.  The Levites had to meet strick requirements because they were in the Levitical priesthood can be used as valid guidelines for music leaders in a New Testament church.

Practices and Procedures
A special school was established in Solomon’s day for training musicians.  The musicians were referred to as “seers” implying that they had special spiritual insights (1 Chronicles 25:5, 2 Chronicles 29:30; 35:15).  The music was probably based on the Pentatonic Scale, a five note scale much like our present black keys on the piano.
Antiphonal singing was widely practiced in temple worship.  Different choirs and groups of instruments answered each other, or the choir answered the leader.

Synagogue Worship
After the Jewish dispersions, worship centered in the Synagogue.  The Scriptures were discussed, the leaders chanted prayers, and the congregation sang songs and canticles.

Musical sounds that Displease God
Public worship and praise must always be consistent with person righteousness and social justice.  The music of the church must be lived as well as performed.  Without person holiness, public praise becomes an abomination to the Lord-songs that He refuses to hear!

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