Saturday, April 14, 2012



Efesios 4:1-16

Todo el cuerpo, se unió y
tejer juntos..., provoca crecimiento
del cuerpo para la edificación del
sí en el amor. -Efesios 4:16

Durante años, los científicos han preguntado cómo las hormigas de fuego, cuyos cuerpos son más densos que el agua, puede sobrevivir inundaciones que deben destruirlos. ¿Cómo se forman colonias enteras en balsas salvavidas que puede flotar durante semanas? Un artículo de Los Angeles Times explicó que los ingenieros en el Instituto de tecnología de Georgia descubrieron que diminutos pelos en los cuerpos de las hormigas reventar burbujas de aire. Esto permite que miles de los insectos, "que tambalearse y luchar en el agua como individuos," para sobrellevar la inundación cuando ellos se aferran juntos.

El nuevo testamento habla a menudo de nuestra necesidad de estar conectado a otros seguidores de Cristo para sobrevivir y crecer espiritualmente. En Efesios 4, Pablo escribió, "Ya no seamos niños, arrojó hacia adelante y atrás y llevaba sobre con todo viento de doctrina".Añadió, "Pero hablando la verdad en el amor, podemos [que] crecer en todas las cosas en lo que es la cabeza-Cristo-de quien todo el cuerpo, se unió y tejer juntos por lo que cada conjunto suministra, segun el trabajo eficaz por el cual cada parte su cuota, provoca el crecimiento del cuerpo para la edificación de sí mismo en el amor", (vv.14-16).

Solos, nos hunden; pero aferrado y creciendo juntos en el Señor, nos podemos sobrellevar cada tormenta.

Vamos a permanecer juntos! -David McCasland

No podemos evitar las lanzamiento tormentas de la vida,
Y sobrevivir mientras llevaba a hacia adelante y atrás;
Nos quedo juntos como nos enfrentamos a la contienda,
y en la fuerza de Dios la victoria sabremos.-Hess
Los cristianos están fuertes cuando están juntos.

Lectura de hoy describe la distinción entre quienes equipar para el Ministerio y aquellos que están siendo equipadas. Pastor-maestros son responsables de los creyentes de formación sobre cómo descubrir y utilizar sus dones espirituales (v.11). Sin embargo, cada creyente es hacer el trabajo del Ministerio (v.12).

Tener un día bendito.
Siempre el amor de Dios nuestro creador
La unidad y la paz



Ephesians 4:1-16

The whole body, joined and
knit together...,causes growth
of the body for the edifying of
itself in love. -Ephesians 4:16

For years, scientists have wondered how fire ants, whose bodies are denser than water, can survive floods that should destroy them.  How do entire colonies form themselves into life rafts that can float for weeks?  A Los Angeles Times article explained that engineers from the Georgia Institute of Technology discovered that tiny hairs on the ants' bodies trap air bubbles.  This enables thousands of the insects, "which flounder and struggle in the water as individuals," to ride out the flood when they cling together.

The New Testament speaks often of our need to be connected to other followers of Christ in order to survive and grow spiritually.  In Ephesians 4, Paul wrote, "We should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine."  He added, "But, speaking the truth in love, may [we] grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ-from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love" (vv.14-16).

Alone, we sink; but clinging and growing together in the Lord, we can ride out every storm.

Let's stick together! -David McCasland

We can't avoid the tossing storms of life,
And we survive while carried to and fro;
We'll stick together as we face the strife,
And in God's strength the victory we shall know. -Hess
Christians stand strong when they stand together.

Today's reading outlines the distinction between those who equip for ministry and those who are being equipped.  Pastor-teachers are responsible for training believers on how to discover and use their spiritual gifts (v.11).  Yet each believer is to do the work of ministry (v.12).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

Sunday, April 1, 2012



John 10:7-18

I am the good shepherd; and
I know My sheep.  -John 10:14

People hate change, or so I hear. 

But the change we generally resist is the kind that we think will make our situation worse rather than better.  We eagerly change jobs when it means higher pay and more influence.  We happily move to a bigger house in a better neighborhood.  So it's not change in general that we hate; it's change that involves loss-sometimes physical; other times emotional or psychological.

Change is both inevitable and necessary.  If everything stays the same, no one is growing.  But we have a Shepherd who guides us through change and leads us to a better place.  Getting there may be difficult, as it was for the Israelites in reaching the Promised Land.  They grumbled when their situation got worse rather than better (Exodus 15:24); Numbers 14:2).  But we have the example of Jesus.  In less than a week, He went from being the leader of many to being abandoned by all.  Between Psalm Sunday and God Friday, the Good Shepherd became the Passover Lamb.  Because Christ willingly went through suffering, God elevated Him to the highest place (John 10:11; Philippians 2:8-9).

Not all change is pleasant, but when we're being led to a better place by Someone who loves us, we don't need to hear it. -Julie Acherman Link

I know not, but God knows;
Oh, blessed rest from fear!
All my unfolding days
To Him are plain and clear. - Flint
Faith in Christ will keep us steady
in the stormy sea of change.

In our Lord's statements about His role as Shepherd, the key is found in verses 11 and 15-18.  There He flips the picture:  the Shepherd becomes the Lamb, sacrificed for the sins of others.  The amazing fact is that He did this willingly (v.18)).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace